Monthly Archives: March 2008

From 2008 to 2010, I worked in a lab where my primary project was the upgrade of a helium dilution refrigerator so that RF measurements could be taken on a experimental package.  This system, previously used for helium experimentation, was massive.  Huge pumping speed with 6 or 8″ lines, double sealed mechanical pump, roots blower.  This is no small dilution fridge!

df1 df2 df3


Key Analysis Progress

fteethHaving worked on digital filtering using MATLAB, I’m fairly comfortable with it. I had not used the Image Processing toolbox – but, it is easily learned.

The images shown here steps along the process of extracting the teeth from the image for manipulation. I will fill in the theory here soon.

81 Yamaha XS400 – Stripping the Tank Paint

The weather warmed up a bit today, was about -3°C, and I was able to dig out the garage door, and spend some time getting my gas tank ready for painting. I’m not an autobody guy, but, this still shouldn’t be too hard. I first removed the fuel petcock and the gas filler cap from the tank – I blew air through the tank with a vacuum on reverse to remove vapours.

Started off with an abrasive wheel mated with my drill – worked really well to remove the soft top layer of non-factory paint (and worked well on the factory paint). I decided to go down to primer level, and start with a couple new coats of primer and go up. Unlike a wire wheel, this abrasive wheel didn’t seem to heat the metal – good, because that heat could lead to deformations.

Started sanding with 200 grit after that, and will work up from there. I have to do the finer stuff wet, so, that’s left for another day (and the bondo will come first)


badge1 tank1 tank2 tank3

Key Analysis

sectionedAfter looking at the number of keys I had on my keyring for the same building, and making some quick comparisons, I started thinking about the possibility of generating a master key from the quite freely distributed zone keys, for academic reasons alone. This would be an interesting lesson in image processing.





The General Idea:

  • Scan each key in colour/grayscale
  • Automatically convert image into a 1-bit profile of the key
  • Automatically Rotate image so that all keys are in the same orientation
  • Automatically section the key to isolate the teeth
  • Find the central location on each tooth from key sets (all local max/min)
  • Define Integer values for all tooth-height possibilities
  • Define each key as a set of these integer values
  • Compare similarities and differences
  • Option to precategorize with key zone