The NEC MobilePro 900. A beautifully sized and featured Handheld PC circa 2003. A venerable performance beast when compared to its earlier brethern – although doomed to run WinCE out of the box. This thing packs a 400MHz Intel PXA255, 64MB RAM, 32+32MB flash, touchscreen, unimpressive although adequate 8.1″ DSTN HVGA display, PCMCIA and CF slots, USB host port and built-in modem into an extremely portable ~ 9.7″x5″x1.2″ package. Plus, it sells used for less than it’s earlier siblings for which linux ports exist, and boasts a 10 hour battery life und
er standard productivity.
Lets make one run linux, and then lets make it useful!
Picked up a beat-up unit off ebay cheap, and promptly replaced the built-in modem with a serial port — small, careful soldering here, although a technically simple mod! It already has a built-in serial port; but, few cables exist, and ordering the connector (Honda RMC-EB9F1( )-BSLA3-MA1) is expensive.
firmware: p530 v6.0 build date: oct 4 2004 PIC firmware ID: 3.18.7 Bootloader Version: 3.4 bSquare windows for handheld pc 2000: build 9546-126 core system version 3.0 internet explorer version 4.01 pocket outlook version 3.1 ROM: 2003/05 ROM Rev: Minerva TR5.4 ID: 002E0006-40D4-00D1-F800-123456781234 intel pxa255a0c400 l4340393 x2: NeoMagic NMC1110A-LQ144C 0439h102 1998 201076 microchip pic16lf877 h04 pt ta550cpfb 48t cvv9 42j4n9k max3243c x2: samsung k4s561632e-tc75 epson s1d13806f00a1 f c39af lcx32245 wim xwm8731 43aewrv isp1161a1 cd1992 tpno42 6e x2: 128j3c150 5427a789 z4272014b m systems Disk on Chip Plus m03831-d32-v3-x bottom:: sigma:: r3064xl f13675-0309 ltc1628cg